Friday, June 17, 2011

To obtain protein and fat supplements Bodybuilding Cause Bad

Protein supplements - Great Expectations

Protein powders and protein shakes are a favorite subject of thousands of so-called experts in the field of nutrition and bodybuilding. Treat this group of foods, as it would be a miracle, is to build muscle. The reason is that the muscle is protein, so you need to eat more protein to build muscles.

This is only partially correct.

To obtain protein and fat supplements Bodybuilding Cause Bad
All the ingredients list of the main
The crucial point is that I will make sureis based on ingredients, protein supplements usually contain. To simplify things, just think of the amount of each food group: proteins, fats, carbohydrates (like sugar). This will be an eye opener if you've ever read labels first.
Nutrition Facts Labels of three protein powder
Product 1: Dose (34.6 grams), protein (20 grams), sugar (4 g), total fat (1 g)
Product 2: Serving Size (29 g), protein (24 g), sugar (1 g), total fat (1 g)
Product 3: Serving Size (30g), protein (22 g), glucose (0 g), total fat (0 g)
These products contain a lot of protein per serving. They also provide plenty of fodder for me to write the folly of bodybuilding supplements like protein shakes or meal replacement. But I want to focus on something clear at this moment, what it is:

Missing key ingredient for muscle building  Fat.
Why is it so important?

All Food and drink will be better absorbed and utilized in the presence of fat. Just today published a research article that showed how important the use of oil-based dressings for the optimization of the antioxidant benefits of spinach salad. (By the way, they classify the chemical as fats and oils the same type of food group, with the only difference is that solids or liquids at room temperature.)
Here is the flip side of that comment: the low-fat enthusiasm and all the diet plans low fatare a threat to human health. There is no way to be healthy, with no significant amount of fat in the diet, no matter how much you weigh. Two hundred years of clinical and scientific research supports me on this.

How proteins work for you
The simple advice is to get a fat or oil with the protein shake. A lot of it. Also remember that carbohydrates are undermining your efforts, so as to minimize. The products listed above are quite good into consider. Some products contain large amounts of sugar, sometimes up to 10 grams per serving (!), Avoiding.
Products that are artificially sweetened talk about putting too much risk, especially if they contain aspartame. Ideally, protein supplements without sugar or sweeteners or flavorings at all. These are hard to find.

Recommended types of fat
Of all the nonsense written about fat, just follow these two rules for choosing Dietary fats:

  1.  Eat all the fat you want, when they are the natural mother. Saturated, unsaturated and polyunsaturated fats, vegetable or animal - all these questions. Eat all.
  2. Do not put a single molecule in the mouth when synthetic or processed in any way. Trans-fats or partially hydrogenated oils are not clear-nn. Butter, margarine and other fakes are terrible, too. Not so obvious is the vast majority of vegetable oils on the market. The worst of the worst. They are corn, canola oil, soybean oil and cottonseed oil, when oil is not cold - pressed, it is very likely produced by the heat and enlightening. It 'probably extracted with solvents.

Better fat and oils and protein supplements to take
(- Are pressed and kept in the refrigerator cold) * linseed oil.
* Coco oil (solidifies under 75 degrees). Best for cooking,too.
* Butter.
* Fish oil (preferably from sources low in the food chain, such as krill).
* CLA Supplements.
The modern history of eggs
Whites are widely recognized as a great source of protein. Egg yolks, on the other hand, have a history of Jekyll and Hyde, but an idiot.
Egg yolks contain cholesterol. Cholesterol is not the threat of evil brainwashing the masses (including doctors) think it is. E 'only part of the myth of cholesterol-billion dollar industry supports cholesterol lowering. No opinion here - the pharmaceutical companies billions of dollars in getting to believe that cholesterol is a problem, and that they are overcome with drugs invested.
More importantly, egg yolks contain high levels of a particular fatty acid called arachidonic acid that the body uses to make certain types of hormones. Some of these hormones to regulate blood pressure and other cardio-Functions. Others are highly inflammatory. Too much of it leads to a lot of pain.
The bottom line is that your basic health insurance to determine how much comes from the egg yolk from arachidonic acid in the synthesis of anti-inflammatory hormones that cause the pain. It is not the amount of arachidonic acid, which is obtained from egg yolk.
If you want a steak and four eggs for breakfast, go ahead. I do this on a regular basis.
Muscle vs. fat gain
Although theseThe articles can be a bit 'too verbose to be the most important point, the important information here, so we know how best to use protein supplements for body building and stay slim only.
If you simply want to publish something on your wall poster as a reminder, here is the key to success:
1 Eating fatty and / or oil with protein shakes.
2 Avoid carbohydrates when you have your protein drinks.
That's it!
To obtain protein and fat supplements Bodybuilding Cause Bad

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