Friday, May 6, 2011

What are the problems with the Western diet?

We talk about the problems of the Western diet ...

There are a lot of press these days about the negative impact of the typical Western diet. The low-fat diet and does not understand the enthusiasm for a people, while many, some of the main problems with the Western diet. This article will help to define some of the specific problems and to clarify a few others.

Cold Pressed Coconut Oil

First of all, it is not all about the calories and fat. Iremind you that a certain amount of fat is good for is actually very necessary for your health. Yet is also important to distinguish good fats and bad fats. Most fast food and processed food is filled with bad fats, as well as sugar and chemicals. Trans fat & Hydrogenated Oils are the most unhealthy fats, stay away from these. Many nutritionists compare hydrogenated oil, which margarine is made out of as well as most junk food products, to be more plastic than food. Unfortunately, many mainstream vegetable oils, including rapeseed, are also questionable, since it has been heated, their treatment during which change their chemical composition. If, with your choice of food you are cooking oils cold-pressed rapeseed cake pressed and organic oils are much better. Olive oil and organic coconut oil are two examples of very good oils contain nutrients and good fats. Past,Extra

What are the problems with the Western diet?

What has the western diet is so unhealthy?

1. Zucchero - Americans consume on average about 170 pounds of sugar per person is about 25% of our average caloric intake! And most of these highly processed and refined sugars. It is said, the sugar is transformed empty calories, there is virtually no nutritional value. Research shows it is now more of a "negative" calories because they have negative effects on our body and has caused muchDamage. Research also shows sugar has caused a major epidemic of health problems in our society, including diabetes, cancer and heart disease.

2. Flour and processed carbohydrates - processed carbs like refined flour and practically devoid of nutritional value and actually harmful to the body. Our body needs to take a lot of energy and stress to deal with these types of foods our body system. These unhealthy foods to win weWeight. Stay away from all products and bleached white flour or stay away from processed carbohydrates.

3. Chemicals and preservatives - foods that have a long shelf life is generally not good for you. Most of the mainstream Western food has a lot of preservatives, artificial flavors and chemicals. Most of these chemicals are not natural and have been in food, with a view to improving the shelf life and flavor. They were not put there for use in your health. Unfortunately, they also took the stress on your bodyand organs ... They are basically processing poison. It's just not worth it.

4. Hydrogenated oil / fat and unhealthy trans fat - as I said stay away from bad fats, usually junk food, fast food and all processed foods. Look at the labels of foods that you buy and not buy food or foods with trans fatty acids hydrogenated oil. These are harmful

5. Salt - Mainstream food is too salty for your health. And it is highly processedSalt well. natural salt can be beneficial to you, but in small quantities. It 'best to the taste of salt on your food. Also in this case, avoid junk food and fast food and watch the labels on foods to see how much sodium they have.

What can we do to change our diet?

There are a few simple steps you can eat healthier. Again, it is not always about calories, is what kind of food you eat and what not to eat. Here are some simple guidelines to begin-

1. Eat lots of fruits and vegetables - the more fresh vegetables, especially green vegetables, the better. All natural fruit and vegetables are good for you. Eating raw if you can, and do not overcook, as they lose their nutrients. Eat fresh produce and avoid covering with too much sauce, cheese and other ingredients.

2. Avoid all fast food - not eating food you order from the window. Most fast food is unhealthy food,It 's so simple.

3. Avoid all junk food - do not eat food that contains lots of carbohydrates, sugar, hydrogenated oils, preservatives, artificial flavorings and processing and flour. Do not eat foods that have a long life. Eating highly processed junk food is the main culprit of unhealthy western.

4. Read the labels - if the food contains ingredients you can pronounce the ingredients have little or no more than 5 can not be bought. Check out the trans fats, sugars and sodiumWebsite. Check out the preservatives and artificial flavors. Try to find and buy products with a single ingredient, the food itself.

5. Reduce Sugar - If there is sugar in the top 3 ingredients in a product does not buy. Unfortunately, many products, including natural foods have sugar in them. Cut to the sugar is one of the most important things you can do for your health.

6. Eat healthy proteins and fats - Lean and natural proteins are thebest for you, as it is easier to digest. Red meat can be an advantage, but must be fed with grass beef, preferably organic. Salmon and most fish are also very good. Nuts are good protein snacking. And the cold and re-use organic oils for cooking and seasoning ... Avoid all hydrogenated oils and processed proteins.

7. Eat Natural & Organic Products - If you eat all natural foods will be healthy. If you eat organic, theeven better. Buy and eat a lot of natural foods fresh and raw as you can!

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What are the problems with the Western diet?Minecraft - "Shadow of Israphel" Part 10: Revelations Video Clips. Duration : 17.03 Mins.

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