According to my good friend and brother is a minister Phil Valentine (metaphysical from New York), the female menstrual cycle normally, but not natural. Since the human body has the innate ability of pathologies, anomalies and irregularities, the female body (after the great fall of nearly 6,000 years ago and has absolutely nothing to do with a fictional character called biblical Eve) must adapt, adjust the pathology of menstruation and now uses this process as acleaning method to free the female body of toxins and waste. The female body has taken what is unnatural (to bleed and lose the essence of life force) and work to convert this process in a normal female body. Because of the menstrual cycle, women now have an additional channel of elimination in the vagina, thereby increasing the total to six main channels of elimination (colon, lung, kidney, liver, skin and vagina). It is because of this sixth channel of elimination, which liberated the female bodyunnecessary waste and toxins that women survive men by seven years in general.
Because menstruation is considered a dis-ease? Why is not natural in nature or in the wild (free). It 's rare to find a mammal eats, and lives under the laws of nature have a menstrual cycle. Have you ever seen a female horse, gorillas, elephants, buffalo, monkeys, hippos, giraffes, zebras with, rhino, cow, or menstruation? Do not think corporate and greedy person woulddeveloped and absorbent pads for these animals to prevent leakage and loss of large amounts of blood? Because the man of business, of course, as it did for the western woman and civil so that they constantly referred to the battle zone of war, corporate America, originally designed for white men. To create bandages and pads for women's careers, so it affects the menstrual cycle with daily activities. You can see, with the men there was noso-called look "natural," the male body has taken a break once a month in duties and activities caused. Originally, during the cycle time, women abstain from work and other daily functions. This break was because of menstruation in anywhere from 1-3 days maximum.
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Menstruation is not uncommon in domestic animals in the so-called civilization (which really means "slavery"). Just look at the domestic dog and cat. These creatures have a menstrual cycle, as well as socialCreature woman named.
The myth of menstruation
For a man to lose, especially a mammal, the essence of life force (blood) per month is not a natural occurrence. The blood leaves the body is not a natural thing. If a man goes to urinate, and sees the blood in the urine, screams of fear for the first time and then go to the hospital emergency room doctor. Why? Because it is a sign that something is wrong (if a man is urinating blood, chances are that prostate cancer).
The life of the fleshin the blood. The Bible tells us this (Leviticus 17:11). The blood contains important elements (minerals) needed to maintain optimal health. Blood carries the various minerals in some parts of the body, so that some bodies work and can work well for the benefit of beings. For example, nerves calmed football. Potassium ensures optimum transmission of nerve signals. Iodine regulates and guarantees optimal thyroid function and activity. Hemoglobin is iron and is nowthe main carrier of oxygen (taking over this task from the ore of gold "that we no longer use in our modern and degenerative conditions of existence as a three-dimensional beings). Well, if the blood that carries these minerals throughout the body by body in the interests of the liberation of the female body of toxins and waste (which carry out the intestines and kidneys easy) eliminated so that the institutions must depend significantly on these items have not come to them and the result iswill be dis-ease or lack of good or excellent health (eg PMS [premenstrual syndrome]) are.
Take, for example, PMS, mood swings associated with PMS, irritability, nerve, gas (flatulence), abdominal cramps, headache, cramps, body, short-term memory, etc. Why? Due to lack of nutrients or food organ-specific to these areas to function properly. is saturated with blood in the vaginal area during menses and out through the vagina, the brain will not come to the MineralsCalcium carbonate, copper and potassium (at least for the amount requested). Football is a sedative (calming). It helps. You know why animals grasses such as oats, alfalfa, barley, wheat grain, and Centella are so quiet? Because it is rich in calcium. The animals know that God made the grass grow for their own good and healthy. The Book of Psalms tells us many things that "He makes grass grow for the cattle ,..." Do you know why elephants are to havememories? Why eat Centella, herb improves mental focus and endurance. Because female elephants do not have episodes of short-term memory (or even develop Alzheimer's disease such as gotu kola herb contains organic aluminum [aluminum organic], which is dangerous, aluminum man Alzhiemer attracts mainly caused, and freed them from the body via the blood).
With the blood from the body during menstruation, the nerves are not alwaysthe required amount of potassium for proper nerve conduction. The thyroid gland (an important factor in weight gain and loss) is not the necessary amount of iodine they need to get to regulate body weight. And with a significant loss of iron, a trace element, anemia is definitely happen and cause a variety of adverse effects such as dizziness, weakness, nausea, fatigue, frigidity (or feeling too cold), and brittle nails.
During the menstrual cycle is to go to the female bodyto saturate the blood flow in the vaginal area with the menstrual cycle, help, and will not be the amount of other body organs and members transported necessary as a result of minerals. These minerals, which are discussed in the vaginal area during menses, the bulk being "white" (download leukorrheac). Yes, the white discharge commonly referred to as vaginal discharge, "is full of food (food that did not make the class is doing the menstrual cycleCycle). The white discharge is considered normal and healthy, thanks to its high content of minerals and not smelly or foul odor, during, and in contrast to an irritating, itchy conditions, copious, foul-smelling green or yellow discharge, vaginal infections or uterine and other gynecological events borne pathogens. (See Mosby's Medical, Nursing and Allied Health Dictionary, 3rd Edition "leukorrhea".)
So PMS is due to mineral deficiencies, and not a curse from God to women. MedicalLogic suggests that premenstrual syndrome can be cured or corrected counter mineral deficiencies more minerals from the body before, during and after the menstrual cycle. The best source of these minerals is raw, organic products (fruits and vegetables) and herbs. And remember, your body has nerves that connect to every organ in the body. bubbles of gas in the intestines explode and press against nerves elsewhere in the large intestine (the crystals to contain 360 nerve) and cause a variety of other problems,especially headache.
It is reported that African women kidnapped and brought to America during the American slavery (1555-1863) had no menstrual cycle, but a point. Yes, they had only a small drop of blood is called the size of a small point, because there was a "period" we make and use the brand of English, but is now with the menstrual cycle-takes. "The term" cycle "has become synonymous with the word" time ".
We find supportnature of the disease in the menstrual cycle in the Bible story of Jesus healing the woman who had an issue of blood twelve years. This story is detailed in the book of Mark. Many Christian reverend, design does not use or understand the metaphysical, the issue of blood as a section on the body of the woman who Jesus healed, but if these ignorant Christian reverend understood medical logic, science, and indeed, they would know that no man can bleed for more than 12 hourswithout dying! If a person is bleeding for 12 hours straight, we all know what happened, except for our blind Christian pastors, especially those of blacks. We read in Mark, Chapter 5, verses 25-34, the following: "And a woman who had an issue of blood twelve years, and has suffered many things of many physicians, and had spent all they had and had nothing better but it was getting worse. Hear the words of Jesus, back in the press and touched his garment. For themsaid: "If I touch but his clothes, I completely. And now the source of her blood was dried up, and she felt in her body that she was healed of that plague. And Jesus, immediately knowing that the virtue itself had come to him, he turned in the press, and said, "Who touched my clothes?" And his disciples said to him: You see the masses you get, and you say, "Who touched me? And she looked around to see that the case had done. ButWomen's fear and trembling, knowing what he has done in her, came and fell down before him and told him the whole truth. And he said to her "daughter, he had faith has helped you go in peace and be healed of your plague."
Well, 'why do you think of this woman number of blood that had lasted for twelve years as a "plague?" Well, what a "plague" is the word "plague" is defined as: 1 A widespread suffering or misfortune. 2. One cause of trouble, trouble. 3. A highly contagious, USU.deadly epidemic, esp. Bubonic plague. (The American Heritage Dictionary, 3rd Edition, Office Edition, pg. 633).
He was suffering the results, the majority of American women, angry or nuisanced during their menstrual cycle? The answer is yes! Why do you think that taking drugs like Midol ® during their cycle? For fun? Hell, no! If you are afflicted with pain or feeling. Many or most of them (women) are not the same be said at this time, and will, as I have said so.I am very grumpy and irritable. Many will tell you they have a "bitch" during this time, and leave them alone and / or do not say a word to them so that you do not hit or punched in the face. Why do they become so? It is because of an accident or fever, as the Bible calls it.
apply the analysis of Mark 5:25-34 story or parable of the woman, with a stream of blood twelve years, we hermaneutics spiritual or metaphysical exigesis. Number one, the question ofThe blood of the last 12 years was none other than the menstrual cycle. It was not a form of blood cancer (leukemia) than to kill the cancer usually within six months to three years. It could not have been a bleeding wound on his body, for years, no one can daily non-stop bleeding and twelve. Touched by Jesus 'dress is a metaphor or spiritual or symbolic meaning of action reference to Jesus' life. A piece of clothing is what protects or covers you. Similarly, a right way and full of lifecovers and protects you (from illness, disease, slavery and early death). The woman touching Jesus 'garment meant that the woman (qualified) touched Jesus' way of life. The "fountain of her blood" within the meaning of her vagina. And of course, has "faith" (treated in a fair way of life and Essenic) all his (well, not dis-eased). It 'important to note that the parable say that he suffered (has) a lot of things from medical (drugs) and you start spending all theirhad. If their problem was actually a wound on the skin like most Negro Christian reverend suggests, would be a doctor had dressed the wound of knowledge to apply pressure to the wound to stop the bleeding so heavy.
Continuing with our theme if necessary and natural menstrual cycle, and is used to expel or eliminate toxins from the female body, on a monthly basis, so why interrupt the menstrual cycle or go away during pregnancy? She is toxic automaticallyor clean non-toxic due to pregnancy? Of course not! So why stop menstruation? The answer lies in the fact the body of intelligence to know that a new form of life in the flesh, and that the body needs extra nutrients to the building blocks of a new life. The body knows these blocks (minerals) lost during menstruation, thus avoiding the intelligence of the body, the body of menstruation when conception occurs. And what about the process of elimination of toxins? How it worksthe female body throw off toxins during pregnancy? The female body has been using since the first quarter (or the first three months) to remove toxins from the body of the mother-Host "morning sickness". I have no idea why is this activity called "morning sickness" because women are suffering from this disease during the day - morning, noon and night - something that you think! Women (vomiting, vomiting), vomiting gather to help clean the body for the child to develop in someWomen are so toxic that the body is the most toxic substances from the landfill in the uterus, causing liver or obvious "eclampsia, liver toxicity during pregnancy. By synthetic drugs and harmful euphemistically as "tabs prenatal (from horse manure, bitumen and coal tar) and inorganic sources of" iron "(derived from rusty metals, such as railroad tracks) is much more a role in eclampsia. This "iron" synthetic lethal [FeFumats and] sulfate is the cause of the bloating and constipation in pregnant women. Pharmaceutical companies mix these inorganic iron (iron people call "organic" or "live" from plant sources) with inorganic sulfur. The harmful effects of inorganic sulfur mineral is caused by its affinity for iron and the destruction of enzymes and enzymes, for his generation of sulfuric acid and sulfuric acid in the body. It robs the iron from the diet and blood formationSulfur and iron compacted dry the secretions of the digestive tract. It also steals the nascent hydrogen from fluids and tissues are sulphuranhydride or hydrogen sulfide. Women, this is the cause of the malodorous gas are sold and are outraged at what is always out of the decomposition of organic matter, animal and plant data. And 'the smell of rotten eggs, rotten wounds, faeces and decaying wood, and meat.
If menstruating women for sexualSex? For reasons of health and hygiene, do not say, especially when a woman on her back. My reasoning is - as the rectum, vagina female energy has a "low" spiral. Most of the channels of elimination have a spiral of energy (eg intestine, kidney). While during the sexual act, the traits of the male penis inside and outside, while inside the vagina. As menstruation is a time of cleansing to expel toxins and waste from the female body, the waste and toxins travel through the vagina to the exit orOpening of the vagina is then pushed back into the womb of his area to stroke the male penis, and especially when a man strokes or pressing hard, fast and deep with the genitals. This is something to think about. Plain and simple, it is hygienic and unhealthy and poses serious risks to health.
Finally, what can a woman do to offset the side effects of the "plague" (menstruation)? The answer lies in the Bible, Psalm 104:14. It clearly states that "He brings the grassgrow for the cattle and herb for the service of man. shows that he can bring food from the earth "Plain and simple!
To replenish the body the necessary nutrients (minerals), consuming herbs like alfalfa, sorrel, Suma, rooisbos, rose hips, watercress, parsley and Moringa seeds Karela, barley grass, wheat grass, nettle leaves and leaves. These herbs provide almost all the minerals the body needs.
Consume as kelp, red algae, Spirulina, Chlorella,Irish Moss, Bladderwrack, blue-green algae, Iceland moss, and red algae. Algae are the best and most nutritious foods you eat, and provide your body with everything you need (oxygen, minerals, proteins, etc.) and are an excellent source of organic "iodine (thyroid food) can.
Natural sources are rich in "iron": yellow dock root, burdock root, dandelion root, elderberry, red raspberry leaf extract, rooibos, and mullein leaf. green vegetables like parsley, vegetables, chives,and spinach are also good sources of iron. Molasses (unsulphured) also provides a good amount of iron.
are natural sources of "Football": comfrey root (do not believe the hype about the liver toxicity), oat straw, horsetail, raspberry leaf and red. All green vegetables are good sources of calcium (when cooking fruit juice or light).
herbs to stop the blood clotting and excessive bleeding are: goldenseal, geranium (Alum Root), dragon's blood, Manjistha, musta,shepherd's purse, lady's mantle, yarrow, cayenne pepper, Solomon's seal, barberry, and heal all the herbs.
Herbs to regulate and normalize the menstrual cycle and the flow are: maca, black cohosh, blue cohosh, dong quai, artemisia, red raspberry leaf, wild yam (highest and best source of natural progesterone), squawvine, false unicorn , chaste tree, fruit Lycia, Red Clover Tops (highest and best source of natural estrogen), licorice root, sarsaparilla, and Angelica.
HerbsThe menstrual cramps and spasms are counter: root bath or birth, crampbark, fennel, anise and wild yam.
Plants that are inconsistent with menstrual pain and headache: white willow bark, white willow bark, feverfew, meadowsweet, birch bark, Wood Betony, wild lettuce, peppermint, wintergreen, sweet and Woodruff.
Herb belonging to calm the nerves during the menstrual cycle: the nerve root, or Lady's Slipper, Kava Kava, Jatamansi, valerian root, lavender flowers,Passion Flower, Hops, skullcap, chamomile and linden flowers.
The herbs that provide energy for fatigue during the menstrual cycle are: ginseng (all species), Ashwagandha, Schizandra Berry, jiwanti, Yerba Mate, Green Tea, Suma, Codonopsis bark, kola nut and guarana seed or Bissey .
Herbs for mental stimulation during the menstrual cycle are: Centella, Ginkgo biloba, bringraj, Ashwagandha, ginseng, blessed thistle, or holy, or cola nut Bissey, Yerba Mate, Guarana andSeed.
Herbs for combating constipation during the menstrual cycle are: senna leaves and pods, Cascara Sagrada, Buckthorn, Aloe Vera resin, rhubarb root, root bibitaki jalap, Mandrake, black walnut shells, Hand Root, Slippery Elm Bark, moss Irish, guar gum, acacia gum and psyllium husks.
Herbs that strengthen the uterus during the menstrual cycle are: Ashoka, squawvine, false unicorn, pumpkin seeds, root Cocculus and Saw Palmetto.
Natural remedies counteractbreast soreness and tenderness of the menstrual cycle are due to: (oils) [internally and externally] evening primrose oil, borage oil, black currant oil, (outside - massaged breasts) olive oil, coconut oil, shea butter, almond oil, avocado oil, grapefruit seed oil, rosehip seed oil, (essential oils, massage oils can be added to the breast) oil, sage, fennel, grapefruit peelOil and rosemary (herb) Saw Palmetto berry, honeysuckle flower, red raspberry leaf extract, red clover plans, tips rate, the root of the hand, wild indigo and red roots.
Herbs that are counter eclampsia during pregnancy: white peony bark, deer tongue grass seed, milk thistle, dandelion, burdock root, carbon (charcoal), bearberry, Oregon grape and vine leaves.
Djehuty Ma'at-Ra is a botanist and researcher in Glendale, Los Angeles, California, can be reached by e-mail
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