Monday, April 18, 2011

Healthy saturated fats? Yes, you heard right!

I will discuss in this article that is useful if you have an open mind and accept that some of these facts are a slap in the face of politically correct nutrition in this day and age where fats by many physicians, health admonished preface to "experts" to start the mass media, etc., a sufficient supply of healthy food with dietary fat is essential for your overall health. Fats are one of the most important components of all cell membranes throughout the body. If you eat enoughhealthy, natural fats will continue normal cellular processes. On the other hand, if you eat artificial, heavily processed, chemically altered fats (damaged fats) in processed foods are in the most affected cell function, as these damaged fats become part of cell membranes, the ' body work harder to function properly, and to develop degenerative diseases. In addition, healthy dietary fats are essential for the production of hormones within the optimal balancethe body and are essential for muscle building and fat burning processes. Other important functions that dietary fats play in a healthy body, vitamins and minerals helps regulate the use of enzymes, energy, etc.

I cringe every time I hear the so-called "health experts" recommend restriction of dietary fat, claiming that a diet low in fat is the key to good health, weight reduction and prevention of degenerative diseases. Restriction in macronutrients (protein, carbohydrates, orFat) in your diet goes against what your body needs and can only lead to problems. All three basic macronutrients fulfill important functions for a lean, healthy body and disease free. As Dr. Mary Enig, Ph.D, and one of the leading researchers in fat and lipids in the world is, in some of his books and articles, there is little scientific evidence to support the assertion that a true high-fat diet bad for us. For example, if these so-called "health experts" that admonish fat areto correct and a diet low in fat is the key to good health, because it is traditional Pacific Islanders who usually get in 2 / 3 to 3 / 4 of total daily calories from fat (mostly from coconut fat), are virtually free of heart disease, obesity and other modern degenerative diseases (that is, until Western dietary influences invaded)? Moreover, because the use of traditional Eskimo populations, up to 75% of their total calories from fat (mostly from whale blubber, seal fat,Offal and cold water fish), display of Health and longevity without heart disease or obesity? Because members of the Masai in Africa remain free from degenerative diseases and maintain low body fat percentages on diets consisting of large quantities of raw whole milk, blood and flesh? And the Samburu tribe of Africa, an average of 5 times the amount of dietary fat (mostly from raw milk and meat) as overweight, disease ridden Americans to eat moreSamburu members are lean, healthy and free of degenerative diseases? What is the traditional Mediterranean diet, known to be very high in fat (sometimes up to 70% fat), and are also known to be very healthy?

Cold Pressed Coconut Oil

These examples of diets rich in fats and health-related well-being of traditional populations around the world and again, but it seems that many doctors, nutritionists and government agencies continue to ignore these facts and continue to promote a diet, reducesFat intake. Well, this is the problem which are good fats (natural unprocessed healthy fats) you accidentally along with nutritional advice with the deadly processed fats and oils that make up a large percentage of almost all foods sold at your local store concentrated in the food business, restaurant, catering, fast-food joint, etc. These deadly processed fats are literally everywhere and almost impossible to avoid if you know what to look for and an intelligent decision about what youFeeding your body. Note that I do not recommend for a super-fat diet. actors that exercise on a regular basis certainly also need adequate supplies of healthy carbohydrates for energy supply and muscle glycogen as well as a good source of protein for muscle repair. The above examples of high-fat diets of traditional populations and their corresponding excellent health were simply to fear, so that you do not need dietary fat as evidenceAs long as you maintain healthy natural selection and stay within your daily calorie intake area or to lose weight (depending on your goals). The following is a list of some of the healthiest fatty foods (some will surprise you!) And to play some of the deadliest fatty foods, avoid at all costs:

Healthy saturated fats? Yes, you heard right!

Fatty foods healthy:

or coconut oil: Coconut oil is about 92% saturated fat, yet surprisingly to most, is considered a very healthy natural fat. L 'health benefits of coconut can be found in its composition of fat by about 65% of medium chain triglycerides (MCT). In particular, 50% coconut oil is a MCT called lauric acid, which has a powerful anti-microbial properties help much to improve the immune system. In addition, MCTs are more easily used for energy the body fat stores rather than immediate. Coconut oil is also an excellent cooking oil for frying, etc. since saturated fats are verystable and does not oxidize like polyunsaturated oils when exposed to heat and light to produce damaging free radicals. The best sources of healthy coconut fat are organic coconut milk, coconut oil, or fresh coconut.

or extra-virgin olive oil: olive oil is about 71% monounsaturated, polyunsaturated and saturated 16% 13% choose "extra virgin olive oil, olives, dates from the first pressing of theand high levels of antioxidants. than most other oils on supermarket shelves, extra virgin olive oil is extracted with solvents other industry use harmful and is one of the healthiest choices for your oils. Try your own salad dressing by mixing a small amount of olive oil with vinegar. This is the business acquired extracts healthy salad dressings, which are soybean oil is usually made ​​with highly processed and refined (chemically damaged) aswith industrial solvents.

or dark chocolate (> 70% cocoa): The cocoa bean is a very concentrated source of antioxidants and responsible for part of the health benefits of dark chocolate. The fat content of cocoa beans (cocoa butter) is a natural and healthy fat, from about 59% from saturated fat (mostly healthy stearic acid), monounsaturated fat 38% and 3% polyunsaturated fatty acids. I will confine myself to the description of healthy chocolate, only dark chocolate with dark chocolate> 70% cocoa content. Most milk chocolates are only about 30% cocoa, and even most dark chocolates are only about 55% cocoa, so that the rest of the products of large quantities of sugar, milk fat, dextrose, etc. Looking for a quality dark chocolate compound lists its cocoa content between 70% -80%. A dark chocolate with cocoa content in this field will contain mostly cocoa and very little sugar. Remember that although dark chocolate is a healthy pleasure, it's still caloriesdense, so you only have a square or two is a good idea.

oo avocado guacamole: The fat in avocados (depending on where they are grown) is approximately 60% unsaturated simply, 25% saturated and unsaturated, 15% more than once. Avocados are very healthy and natural food, many nutrients, fiber, healthy fats and supplies, and a rich flavor to any meal. Try sliced ​​avocado on sandwiches or salads or guacamole in wraps, sandwiches, or quesadillas.

or high-fat fish such as wildSalmon, sardines, mackerel, herring, trout, etc.: Virtually any fish or seafood are good sources of natural omega-3 fatty acids, but the fish fatter than the above are the best sources of omega-3. With the fundamental shift to a higher proportion of omega-6 polyunsaturated fatty acids such as soybean oil, corn oil, safflower oil, etc. in our food in the middle of the 20th century, the average western diet is currently too high omega -6 's with respect toOmega-3, desolate in your body. This is where a good source of omega-3 fats such as fish, nuts and flax seeds can help to return to a better relationship omega-6/omega-3.

Or nuts (all - walnuts, almonds, peanuts, cashews, macadamias, etc.): Nuts are great sources of healthy unprocessed fats as well as other minerals and trace elements. Macadamia nuts, almonds, cashews, and are great sources of monounsaturated fats, while walnuts are a good source of unprocessedpolyunsaturated fatty acids (including omega-3). Try to avoid nuts boiled oil, which are. Instead, choose fruits raw or roasted.

or seeds (sunflower seeds, pumpkin seeds, sesame seeds, flax seeds): All these seeds are great sources of natural unprocessed healthy fats. In particular, flax seeds have received much attention recently because of their high content of omega-3. But keep in mind that omega-3 polyunsaturated fatty acids, highly reactive to heat and light, and are likely toOxidation and free radical production, so freshly ground flax seed to go the only way. Rather than the store bought ground flax seed, you can buy whole flax seeds and use one of those miniature coffee grinders to grind your own flax seed. Try grinding fresh flax seed into your yogurt, cereal, or salad. If you use a linseed oil, make sure it is a cold - pressed oil in a light-proof refrigerated container, and use it in a few weeksTo prevent it from becoming rancid. NEVER cook with flax seed oil!

The increased fat or organic, free-range animals: This is where the majority of people have been informed by the media wrong. Animal fat is inherently good for us, that is, if it came from a healthy animal. Men have thrived on animal fats for thousands of years. The problem lies in the fact that most mass produced animal products today do not come from healthy animals. They come from animals that many antibiotics andraised with hormones and fed unnatural feed. The solution is to choose organically raised, free-range meat, eggs and dairy products. At this time, the price is a bit 'higher, but it's worth, and rising demand, prices will fall.

Deadly Fatty foods:

or hydrogenated oils (trans fats): These are industrially produced chemically altered oils subjected to extremely high pressure and temperature, with added industrial solvents such as hexane for the extraction andhave a metal catalyst added to the artificial hydrogenation, followed by bleaching and deodorizing agents ..... promote and somehow the FDA still can pass this shit for food. These oils are not even worthy lawnmower, much less your body! You need to obesity, heart disease, diabetes, cancer, and more associated. Even small amounts has been shown in studies to be dangerous. If you have your health, check the ingredients of everything you buy, and if you see somehydrogenated oils of any kind margarine or shortening, protect yourself and your family by choosing something different. The FDA has required that all food producers on the amount of trans fatty acids show on all labels by January 2006.

Or Refined oils: Even if the oils are hydrogenated, most oils are refined at your supermarket shelves, including most so-called "healthy" canola oils. Even the most refined oils still undergo the high temperature, high pressure, solvent extraction,Bleaching, and deodorizing processes. All labeled vegetable oil, soybean oil, corn oil, cottonseed oil, safflower oil, canola oil, and many have been damaged by this refining process. This damages the natural structure of the fats, destroys natural antioxidants, creates free radicals, and produces a generally unhealthy product. Note that the explosion of heart disease in half of the 20th century coincides quite well with the rapidIncreasing the use of hydrogenated oils and refined in the food supply at that time.

including tortilla chips, potato chips, french fries, donuts, pass Fried Chicken, chicken nuggets, etc. All this shit does not even like real food in my opinion: All or fried!

or homogenized milk fat - Milk fat is a very healthy fat in its natural state. traditional populations around the world in perfect health prospered and consumed enormous quantities of raw, unpasteurized,Not homogenized, milk products full of fat. Once again, the ruins of the food processing industry a good thing for the pasteurization and homogenization of milk fat, making it potentially dangerous inside the human body. Unfortunately, it is almost impossible to find raw milk in the United States, if you personally know a farmer. Check out for more information on the benefits of raw milk and to determine if it is available in your area. As an alternative dairy products like yogurt have at least had read positiveThe microorganisms added to them what is best for you. Realistically, as they probably will not find raw milk, is sticking to skim milk is the best option. If you use butter for cooking, cultured organic butter is the best option.

I hope that this article did little 'to shed light on the truth about dietary fats, and made you understand his importance in a healthy diet. Come see my website for more free fitness articles and bonuses for recruiting.

Healthy saturated fats? Yes, you heard right!Halo: Reach - Achievement HORSE Tube. Duration : 9.77 Mins.

Jack and Geoff try something a bit different in Halo: Reach. Today they played a game of HORSE. Things get a bit wacky. Let us know if you enjoy this stuff, we'll keep making it if so! **UPDATE** Here is a link to most of the maps we used:

Tags: Achievement, Hunter, Tutorial, Guide, Walkthrough, FAQ, Halo, Reach, Bungie, Microsoft, HORSE, Forge, Competition, Funny, Screw, Up, Geoff, Is, jerkface

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