Tuesday, June 14, 2011

How to get a flat stomach

Here's how to get a flat stomach. To better help, I'm going to share with you 3 ways to help reduce belly fat. Each option is different than the other options. Choose 1, 2 or all third Read this now if you are desperate to have a flat stomach.

How to get a flat stomach

1. The exercise of option

This is a superior way to burn fat deposits stomach intense interval training. Take, for example, the execution ... They ran very hard formaybe 10-15 seconds. Then followed by a low intensity walk for 40-45 seconds. She, who always like this for 10-20 minutes, depending on the system.
This works best outdoors, but it's really done effectively on a treadmill.

2. An option contract

The term "cold coconut oil" ... often called Extra Virgin Coconut Oil is ideal for quick weight loss for most of the people. No,not for every job (no work), but many of my clients online weight loss e-mail me back saying how is 5 or more pounds lost in 2 weeks or less. How is it ? Take a spoon one tablespoon in the morning in the late afternoon. Do this at least 1 hour away from meals.

3. The diet option
eat need to lose belly fat, you will get / drink less simple carbohydrates (sugars) and increase your intake of protein and fiber. To achieve this increase yourProtein and fiber, I recommend 1 / 2 can of beans blacks to eat twice a day. To drink less sugar, I recommend packets of Stevia and water. It softens the water and makes it taste great without adding calories.

Stevia is a natural sugar substitute, unlike other sugar substitutes. Use 2-3 packets per 25 liters of water.
These are my three basic ways how to get a flat stomach.

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